Microgrid Optimizer

Why are we doing this?

At present, around 1 billion people, mostly in rural areas, lack access to electricity. In most of these areas, extending the national electricity grid is truly expensive. Alternatively, electrification systems based on renewable energy sources (wind and solar) are a suitable option for providing electricity to these isolated communities.

What is this website about?

This website offers a decision-support tool, which combines combinatorial optimisation and multicriteria techniques, to help electrification developers (governments, enterprises, NGOs) to design efficient and socially-suited projects. The algorithm provided by the tool faces two problems regarding rural electrification: sizing and siting. The first one consists in defining the size of generators and storage capacity to meet the demand according to the availability of energy resources. The second problem focuses on siting generation and storage equipment according to the variability of energy resources and the location of demand over the target area. Therefore, questions such as which the best point of the community is for the generation equipment to be set, which type of generation source will be appropriate in each case and which points should be connected to others in a microgrid, will be analysed and solved. Thus, the final result shows an optimized electrification system regarding the use of equipment and considering both individual users and microgrids.

The proposed decision-making process allows an easy and intuitive interaction with the user in order to progressively take decisions according to their relevance and aiming to adequate the final solution to the specific characteristics and needs of the target community. Social constraints regarding the management of the systems can be introduced by the user. Further information about the solving model is available in the correspoding tab.

How does it work?

The decision-making process is organised into three decision levels, ordered according to the importance of the decisions taken. This is why the user has the chance to select which solutions showed at one level better fit the target community needs. The number of solutions showed at each level depends on the combinations proposed by the user, as explained next. Finally, in order to rank the solutions from a level, some criteria (to be weighted) are taken into account. The purpose of each decision level and the criteria and subcriteria considered are the following.

Required Data
First Level
Second Level
Initial parameters
  • Nominal voltage of the microgrid [V]
  • Maximum voltage drop allowed in the microgrid [%]
Solar panels
  • Peak sun-hour [h]: solar energy available in an area during a typical day. In other words, the number of daily hours at an equivalent radiation of 1 kW/m2.
  • Average temperature of the coldest month [ºC].
  • Maximum power of each panel type [W]
  • Cost of each panel type
Solar controllers
  • Maximum power of every type of solar controller (in W)
  • Cost of every solar controller
Wind turbines
  • Cost of each wind turbine type
  • Energy potential of each wind turbine type [Wh/day], this value can be specified for each point.
  • Battery efficiency
  • Maximum discharge factor allowed
  • Equivalent capacity of each battery type [W]
  • Cost of each battery type
Power Inverters
  • Inverter efficiency
  • Maximum power of each inverter type [W]
  • Cost ofeach inverter type
  • Cost of each meter type
  • Cost of each line type (including support infrasructure)
  • Resistance of each line type [Ω/m]. If you are not using earthing (or grounding) system, introduce twice this value
  • Maximum allowed intensity of each line type [A]
Consumption points
  • Coordinates (x,y,z)
  • Demand of energy [Wh/day], Power [W] and autonomy [days]
Non-consumption points
  • Coordinates (x,y,z)
First level: Strategic decisions

At the first level, several electrification solutions are generated minimizing the cost for a set of different demand scenarios. Such scenarios can be introduced by defining percentage increases in the energy, power and autonomy demand, with regards to the basic demand previously introduced. Thus, a solution is generated for the basic values as well as for each combination of increases.

The solutions generated are ranked according to two criteria (cost and demand) and three sub-criteria (energy, power and autonomy). Default weights obtained through surveys to rural electrification experts are used for a first ranking of the solutions. However, you can adjust the weights according to the characteristics of each studied community, so as the ranking better fits your preferences.

Once satisfied with the ranking shown, you can select some solutions for further analysis in the second level.
Second level: Tactical decisions

At the second level, several electrification solutions are generated minimizing the cost for a set of constraints regarding the size, number and scope of microgrids in order to ease the system management. Experiences from real projects in different countries show that a system with a low number of large microgrids is easier to manage than many small microgrids (please see the ‘Examples’ tab for further information). Thus, such constraints can be introduced by defining maximum values for both the number of microgrids and the number of individual users and minimum values for the number of users per microgrid. A solution is generated for each combination of such constraints.

The solutions generated are ranked according to two criteria (cost and system management) and three sub-criteria (number of microgrids, number of individual users and number of users per microgrid). Default weights obtained through surveys to rural electrification experts are used for a first ranking of the solutions. However, you can adjust the weights according to the characteristics of each studied community, so as the ranking better fits your preferences.

Once satisfied with the ranking shown, you can download a file with all the information of the solution(s) selected.

In the 'Microgrid Optimizer' tab you can find the different steps of the optimizer tool.

In the 'Examples' tab some real-case examples are provided as well as a didactic one, which shows how the decision process and the interaction between the decision maker and the tool works.

In the 'Contact' tab there is information about the team behind this project as well as a contact form to write to us.

Illustration of the design methodology

In this section, the design methodology offered in this website is illustrated through its application to a small community from the Andean highlands. Please focus on the design process itself, rather than the reasons behind the decisions taken at each moment. Through the process, a variety of possibilities regarding electrifications systems will be presented in order to obtain the solution that better suits the community. A linear procedure consisting of four steps will be followed in the Microgrid Optimizer tab to first introduce the input data required to generate the electrification designs and then obtain such designs within two interactive decision levels (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Scheme of the design methodology

Equipment data and Points data

As shown in Figure 1, data related to the electrical equipment and the consumptions and non-consumptions points of the community is needed. The example community consists of 6 consumption points, a community center and 5 houses (points 2 to 6) distributed as it can be seen in Figure 2. The energy and power demand for the community center are 600 Wh/day and 500 W, while for the houses they are 300 Wh/day and 200 W, respectively. Considering the resources variability, an autonomy of 2 days is required for the system. Finally, both solar radiation and wind speed and direction are measured throughout a year to identify the worst potential month, using specialized software. To complete the input data, the main features of the equipment available are the following (Table 1).

Wind Turbines4 types are considered. Energy: 259 to 18007Wh/day. Cost: $1139 to $5645.
PV Panels4 types are considered. Maximum Power: 50 to 150W. Cost: $451 to $1000.
PV Controllers4 types are considered. Maximum Power: 50 to 200W. Cost: $67 to $125.
Batteries4 types are considered. Capacity: 1500 to 3000Wh. Cost: $225 to $325. Efficiency: 0.85. Discharge factor: 0.60.
Inverters4 types are considered. Maximum Power: 300 to 3000W. Cost: $377 to $2300. Efficiency: 0.85.
Meters1 types is considered. Cost: $50.
Conductors3 types are considered. Resistance: 2.6 to 0.16Ω/km. Maximum Intensity: 64 to 380A. Cost: $4.94 to $5.79/m. Nominal Voltage: 220V. Maximum/Minimum Voltage: 230/210V
Table 1: Initial equipment data.
Figure 2: Coordinates of consumption points

Once the equipment data, the coordinates and the basic demand of all consumption points have been introduced, it is time for the decision maker (from now on DM) to select different demand and management scenarios to generate the electrification alternatives in the first and second level. In order to avoid misunderstandings, the word “user” is now exclusively referred to potential beneficiaries of the electricity supply, while DM is used to describe any person or institution making the decisions to reach a final electric configuration of the system.

First Level. Strategic decisions

In this example, two demand scenarios, with increases of 25% and 50% with regards to the basic demand, are studied for the energy and power supply simultaneously, keeping autonomy at 2 days. Once these demand scenarios are introduced, the algorithm is executed to generate the corresponding electrification solutions. With such admissible values, a total of 3 solutions are generated (the first solution corresponds to the basic demand scenario and the other two to the increases considered) and shown in Figure 3. Each solution presents its electric distribution scheme, where green circles represent generation points while yellow circles are points supplied by a microgrid. Also, it informs about the cost needed to implement the system and the energy, power and autonomy supplied in the worst case scenario. The worst case scenario is defined by the consumption point which presents the lowest difference between the demand supplied and the demand required, in parenthesis. For example, in Solution 2, 378 Wh/day are supplied to one consumption point, which represents a 26% increase in relation to the base demand required. That means that all consumptions points of the community receive at least this percentage of energy increase. A PDF is offered for each solution to see the detail of the demand supplied to each consumption point, as well as the whole equipment needed to implement the system. Finally, the compromise programming technique is used to obtain a final out-of-ten score for each solution indicating its quality with regards to an ideal solution, which is a utopian solutions optimal for all criteria. These scores are calculated with the default weights given (Table 2, iteration 0), which have been obtained through multiple surveys handed out to rural electrification experts.

Figure 3. Solutions obtained in the first level

As shown, the most compromised solution is Solution 1 (highest score) followed by Solution 3 and 2. However, the DM wants to adjust the weights of the criteria and sub-criteria to adjust them according to his preferences (Table 2, iteration 1). Then, Microgrid Optimizer recalculates the score of each solution. With this recalculation, the scores for each solution are 5, 5.1 and 5, respectively. Since the second one is the best solution according to the preferences of the DM, he decides to select it for further study in the second level.

Iteration 0Iteration 1Iteration 0Iteration 1
Demand0.52 0.50Energy0.400.10
Table 2. Weights of the criteria and sub-criteria of first level

Second level. Tactical decisions

The DM wants now to consider the following scenarios for the management of the system: two scenarios regarding the maximum number of microgrids: 1 and 2; two scenarios of the minimum number of users per microgrid: 2 and 3; and one non-limiting scenario for the maximum number of individual users: 6. With these starting values, 4 alternatives are generated combining all scenarios specified and considering also the base scenario, without any limiting values for the management of the system. As shown in Figure 4, only two alternatives are actually different, and are ranked according to the default weights for the criteria and sub-criteria of the second level.

Figure 4. Solutions obtained in the second level (iteration 0)

Not completely satisfied with the number of alternatives obtained, the DM wants to explore new configuration designs. Therefore, he goes into an iterative procedure and proposes a new bunch of scenarios: the same two scenarios regarding the maximum number of microgrids: 1 and 2; the same two scenarios of the minimum number of users per microgrid: 2 and 3; and two scenarios for the maximum number of individual users: 6 and 0 in order to obtain fully microgrid-based systems. Such as the previous iteration, a total of 8 solutions are calculated combining the scenarios suggested and the base scenario. Since the DM thinks the default weights given for the criteria and sub-criteria at this second level fit his requirements, they are not modified. Figure 5 presents the new solutions and their scores considering the default weights. As it can be seen, 4 of the 8 solutions are actually different.

Figure 5. Solutions obtained in the second level (iteration 1)

With this information, the DM is ready to make a decision. He discards the lowest scored solution (2-2) and also solution 2-1 due to the high amount of individual users. The other solutions are considered feasible and are therefore presented to all stakeholders in the community in order to discuss their pros and cons. Although the solution 2-3 presents the highest overall score, the community prefers to have all consumption points connected to a microgrid in order to take advantage of a more flexible supply. The DM considers that the increase in the cost is affordable and accepts their petition. Consequently, the solution 2-6/2-8 is implemented as final electrification design.

Without using this website, only 2 or 3 electrification designs could have been manually evaluated with great effort. Alternatively, throughout this procedure, a total of 6 different electrification designs have been generated in a short time and within a structured procedure aimed to guide the decision-making process. Demand scenarios are first addressed in order to obtain preliminary electrification designs. Then, different options of system configurations are considered to adjust the final design to the preferences of the community.

Real case examples


Please, do not hesitate to contact us for any doubt you might have.

Ferrer-Martí, Laia
Full professor

Pastor Moreno, Rafael
Full professor

García Villoria, Alberto
Senior Lecturer

Domenech Lega, Bruno

Juanpera Gallel, Marc

Murillo Vilella, Andreu

Equipment Data
Points Data
First Level
Second Level

Equipment Data

Two options are available to introduce the data of equipment. The user can either fill the next form manually or download and fill in a template, and upload it with the Select file button. If the first option is chosen, a file can be generated with the 'Save' button to save the information.


Initial Parameters

Nominal Voltage [V]:
Maximum voltage drop allowed [%]:

Wind Turbine

Cost of the turbine:

Photovoltaic Panels

Peak Sun Hour [hours]:
Lowest Temperature of the worst month [ºC]:
Maximum Power of the photovoltaic panel [W]:
Cost of the photovoltaic panel:

Solar controller

Maximum Power of the solar controller [W]:
Cost of the solar controller:


Batteries efficiency:
Discharge factor:
Equivalent capacity of the battery [Wh]:
Cost of the battery:

Power inverter

Power inverter efficiency:
Maximum Power of the power inverter [W]:
Cost of the power inverter:


Cost of the meter:


Cost of the conductor:
Conductor's resistence [Ω]:
Maximum permissible intensity for the conductor [A]:

Consumption points

Number of consumption points:

Non-Consumption points

Number of only generation points:

We use the data introduced by users for academic purposes. This allows us to improve our methods and to provide you with a better service. By following the steps of the optimizer tool, you agree to share all the information given for an academic and condifential use of it. Information submited will not be shared with third parties.